Loans Actually

Building Better Broking Businesses

Loans Actually is a boutique mortgage broking business based in Victoria and we promote the inclusiveness of our membership where all members work in a professional manner and treat people with respect.

Our members are keen to build successful mortgage broking businesses and will participate in educational and development training to ensure they are in the best position to meet the expectations of their clientele and to grow their own business brand.

Success is driven by an enthusiasm to assist people and a provide a repetitive and high-quality service, where you deliver results in line with a client’s expectations. You must also be skilled at dealing with people of all levels of financial awareness and socio-economic status and be prepared to go the extra mile to provide a rewarding experience for all.

Our successful brokers are all quality people who believe in these traits.


Business Coaching & Development

Once you have decided to investigate further and make the move into the mortgage broking industry, the first thing you need to do is to invest some time in developing a solid business plan. There is no point putting the time and effort into setting up any business, let alone mortgage broking, if you are not going to take the time to do some sensible and thorough planning.


Large Aggregator Support

PLAN Australia is one of Australia’s largest loan aggregators and they have also offered their full support to Loans Actually in developing our membership group through access to their training, compliance,


Additional Income Streams

We continue to develop our alliance agreements providing additional financial recompense to our brokers for referrals for complex loan, Insurance, Investment and Real Property. Products available through these alliance partners include, but are not limited to



Relationship & Trusted Networks

Loans Actually and our members are well respected in the industry and have long standing relationships with our aggregator (PLAN Australia), The Loan Market Group , Lenders and our licensee (Buyers Choice Licencing Pty Ltd).

With the srutiny under which our industry operates it is important that we continue to keep our membership up to date with compliance and community expectations, and we work to keep at the forefront of any changes.

It is important to have the support of experienced brokers and we regularly work together mapping out and white boarding complex deals.

Access to 60+ Lenders

See all our Lenders

Mortgage broker

Sub-aggregation services

  • Fantastic Income Earning Potential
  • The chance to work your own hours as a qualified and licensed industry professional
  • Control of your future
  • Full support and training by experienced brokers, mentors and coaches


Flexible pricing with Boutique Mortgage Broking Business

Expert Mentors
Flexible Pricing
Personalised Training
Market-Leading Support